Cece, I'm sorry, but when I stand up, you're gonna see my penis, and when I walk out, you're gonna see my butt.


Hello, Pica? I need a table for five. This is author Toni Morrison.


Winston: An eye for an eye, Nick; a cat for a cat.
Nick: But what's the other cat?

Jess: Drinking to be cool, Nick? That's not a real thing.
Nick: That's the only thing in the world I know to be true.

Why are you talking to me like a James Taylor song?


Let's talk about it, in my perfect two-thirds replica of Don Draper's office.


Schmidt: No sig oths.
Cece: Just say "significant others."
Schmidt: Maybe you have that kind of time, but I'm on a tight sched.

I wouldn't even begin to know how to steal a swag.


I needed your underwear...to sew into my underwear.


Jess: Oh my god! I thought he was taking you to jail!
Nick: Naw, it's resort jail, and it's not so bad. They let me watch "Ugly Betty."

Jess: How many times a day does Schmidt text you?
Nick: Oh, no, just like...40.

Jess: What's next? What do we do?
Nick: I'm really fighting the urge to buy you a lobster dinner.

New Girl Season 3 Quotes

Where have you been? I am having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what, just driving around, French kissing each other like a couple of Dutch hookers?


Puzzle me this then, Winston-- how do you live with yourself?
