Howard: You want to know if she fingered her. I think that's been established.
Larry: Dad, please. No jokes. I can't take it right now.

I figured it out when you thought Stations of the Cross was Christian radio.

Sister Ingalls

Pornstache: How did you survive infancy?
Pennasatucky: My auntie helped my mama.
Pornstache: That was a rhetorical question. Don't you understand what the hell a rhetorical question is?!

Woah, that's not happening, and you don't just turn gay. You fall somewhere on a spectrum. It's like a Kinsey scale.


God has chosen to test our conviction.


First girl who bags that bird gets a box of Biore strips.


I had my tea, it was almost hot. I had my book, it was almost good. And I saw a chicken. How random is that?


Aw man, I was just starting to like you. You gonna go soft on me Vause?


Nicky: What was your major?
Alex: Oh, I just lived on campus and went to parties.

I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I'm going to be able to rewire a lamp. Soon. And I'm very excited about that. I always felt I lacked practical skills in life. And I don't know.


If you ever want to go home, get that screwdriver back on that wall!


I don't know. I've never cleaned up another person's pee before.
