Claire: God wants him to have the surgery, but the masochist is refusing the ether.
Tom: Masochist?
Claire: Well, it's a word for people who prefer to suffer pain.

Ian: Why would your father ever be worried about your eternal fate?
Malva: I'm flattered you don't think he should be. But why not? Are we all not sinners, Mr... it is Fraser, isn't it?
Ian: It's Murry. My ma's a Fraser. And aye, we are all sinners, but a young lass like yourself? Surely, you've done no wrong.
Malva: Looks can be deceiving.

Malva: My mother was not so spiritually inclined.
Ian: What do you mean?
Malva: She was hanged as a witch.

Germain: See! I told you he wasn't a demon.
Boy: Is it true, what Mr. MacKenzie said about the bairn belonging to the Lord?
Jamie: I certainly wouldn't argue about what Mr. MaKenzie said about that. But whoever else he belongs to, Henri-Christian belongs to me. Best ye all remember it.

Marsali: So, please, Fergus. Tell me how to help you.
Fergus: You can't. I'm the one who is supposed to provide for you and the children, to protect you and the children.
Marsali: Then thank God Henri-Christian with me this evening and that he drinks his mother's milk.
Fergus: What does that mean?! You think I'd let any harm come to him?
Marsali: Well, it's a fine job ye'd do in that state. You can't protect anyone when you're drunk!

Fergus: You're right. Only I wasn't drunk when I failed you before.
Marsali: I can fight for us, too. The burden is not only on you. I can protect us, as well.
Fergus: Not against men like Lionel Brown.
Marsali: Aye, I can. And I did. [long pause] Let this be a comfort to ye, Fergus because I mean it to be. Lionel didn't die. I killed him.

Fergus: I am the man of this house!
Marsali: Well, then you can come back when you're actin' like one. You promised me, Fergus Fraser! And I will have a whole man or none at all.

Claire: What would you have done if they had chosen the poker?
Jamie: I would have let them have their punishment.
Claire: I hope they go home and tell their parents.
Jamie: Aye. On the other hand, if their parents think he's demon-born, and I'm his grand-sire and you're his granny, what doest that say about us?
Lionel [in Claire's head]: It says you're of the devil yourself.

Tom: Why do you never wear a proper kerch or cap?
Claire: Why should I?
Tom: 'Cause every pious married woman should. "And every woman who prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoreth her head. For that is just as if she were shaven."
Claire: Are we back to Saint Paul again? Ever occur to you that man had quite the bee in his bonnet about women? Besides, I'm not praying right now. I want to see how this does overnight before I risk prophesying about it.

Tom: Your hair. There's a great deal of it.
Claire: There is a great deal of it.
Tom: Eh.

Claire: Is Tom afraid of women? Or was he just afraid of sinning, I suppose? He seemed so uncomfortable with me touching his hand or touching him at all, really.
Jamie: I was like that too, after Ardsmuir. It was shocking to be touched, especially by a woman.

You're the only one who can show your son what a useless man like you can achieve and how proud he can make his father. Ye dinna ken, but it's you, not what you do or give or provide. It's you we need to come home.


Outlander Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Ian: Why would your father ever be worried about your eternal fate?
Malva: I'm flattered you don't think he should be. But why not? Are we all not sinners, Mr... it is Fraser, isn't it?
Ian: It's Murry. My ma's a Fraser. And aye, we are all sinners, but a young lass like yourself? Surely, you've done no wrong.
Malva: Looks can be deceiving.

Claire: God wants him to have the surgery, but the masochist is refusing the ether.
Tom: Masochist?
Claire: Well, it's a word for people who prefer to suffer pain.