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There is a baby floating down the river in a basket. Roger springs into action as it heads toward the rapids.

Five young boys are watching the spectacle as Roger races with the raging water trying to get the baby.

It was Henri-Christian, Marsali's baby. The boys thought it was a demon, and it was their son who took the baby. Roger baptizes the child and returns home. Marsali is so angry. Fergus doesn't know how to respond.

Jamie tells the young lad to go get his buddies, as they are all to join him in the parlor for an apt punishment.

Claire talks with Fergus. If they were in France, the child would be left in the woods for the woods. Fergus worries about what kind of life his child will have. Claire tries to comfort Fergus, but he's seen the life of a dwarf, and it wasn't good.

Fergus recalls the Master, who would take those children from the streets or buy them from their parents and used them in prostitution for those with strange predilections. He saw his friend murdered and sliced for divination. He blames himself for how his child was born, and no matter how Claire tries to explain that it doesn't work that way, he cannot be comforted.

Tom is waiting for Claire. She hopes he's not been encouraging the behavior that put Henri-Christian in danger. He assures her he had not. He disapproves of superstitions.

Tom will not allow Claire to use potions on him.

Mrs. McCallum thinks her milk is haunted. She's thrilled to see Roger, who she considers the minister. There was a huge bullfrog in the milk.

She is very down, wondering why God brought her here. She thinks the place is terrible, Roger says it doesn't rain as much as it does in Scotland. She misses her home.

Brianna made a spinning wheel for Marsali. She'll be able to work twice as fast and will have more time with the boys.

Fergus promised Marsali he'd stop drinking, but she's not feeling very confident about it.

Claire prepares to cut into Tom's hand. She offers a piece of wood for the pain, but he'd rather say his prayers. All the whiskey in the world doesn't prepare him for the pain he experiences. Jamie dramatically reads the bible for Tom as he suffers through the surgery. Malva peers in through the window.

Ian calls Malva Claire's apprentice. He walks her home.

The surgery is over. It worked. Tom can hardly believe it. She wants him to stay overnight to keep an eye on him.

Ian discovers that Malva's mom was hanged as a witch when she was little.

Jamie has a lesson for the boys, who were eager to play with fire. He's offering them a choice: touch the bairn or the hot poker. One by one, the boys visit with Henri-Christian, who giggles at the attention.

Marsali arrives home to find Fergus drinking and ignoring the bairns. She's so disappointed. She tells him he's so much better than this.

When Marsali tells Fergus that she can and has protected herself, Fergus only gets angrier and wants another drink. She dumps it over his head and sends him out of the house.

Claire and Jamie talk about his lesson, and she imagines Lionel calling her the devil. She goes down to check on Tom. His hand is throbbing and keeping her from sleep. He wonders why she doesn't wear her kerchief. It leads to a strange moment when Tom says she has a lot of hair.

Tom wonders who Claire was talking to, and it's the cat. No, it's not her familiar, she says. Tom assures Claire that he doesn't believe she is a witch. He's an educated man. And yes, he does believe in witches, but he doesn't believe she is one. And he apologizes to her for his earlier behavior.

Tom finds Jamie to be very brave and recalls when he claimed the tartan as his when it belonged to another. Claire said Jamie will do anything to protect his men. That concerns Tom since Jamie was helping him earlier in the day. He is not one of Jamie's men. Claire said it was merely an act of kindness that he would do for any stranger.

With that, Tom rolls over and goes back to sleep.

Claire wonders about Tom and their strange encounter. Jamie said that Claire pulled him back from the darkness, but Tom turned inward. Tom was sent to the Colonies. Claire wonders if Malva was conceived while Tom was in prison. Jamie figures he remarried in the Colonies.

Ian and Malva continue getting to know one another. She wonders about the markings on his face. They talk about how much Jamie values him and their relationship. She appears to be flirting.

Tom reports back to the clinic for a checkup. When Tom's wife read novels, he didn't approve. But in prison, Tom listened to Jamie recount fiction he had written, and Tom saw the benefit in realizing they weren't lies. He said the stories were comforting especially since it took the prisoner's minds off of their troubles.

Claire allows Tom to borrow Tom Jones. As he's leaving, he noted that Richard Brown offered his group their protection. Claire hopes that he didn't accept given Richard isn't a man to be trusted.

Jamie finds Malva searching for mushrooms in the woods. Jamie wonders how Tom will fare when she's wed. He teases her and then wonders if her father is so stern that teasing would be difficult.

Jamie tries to get information on Malva's mother and learns she was born in Scotland.

Reading the novel, Tom is put off by what he's reading and looks concerned as he puts down the book.

Lizzie flirts with Josiah and Kezzie, and when Brianna wonders if they should set her up with Evan, Roger cannot believe she hasn't noticed the brothers following Lizzie around like a puppy.

People speak ill of Fergus and his drinking. A woman calls his son grotesque. Fergus throws whisky in his face. Tom tells the woman to back off.

Tom returns the book with a note that says "This is filth. I thought better of you."

As Roger delivers a sermon, Allan cries when Tom whips his daughter. Jamie follows Fergus into the woods, where he is slicing his wrists. He says he's doing it for Marsali and the children since he cannot provide for them. He feels useless like nothing. Jamie reminds him how he kept the family together while he was at Ardsmuir. He reminds him of all of the amazing things Fergus has accomplished.

Claire and Jamie walk him home, where Fergus apologizes to Marsali, promising never again.

Major MacDonald arrives with guns. The tea party just occurred, and the king views it as outright aggression.

It's starting.


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Outlander Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Ian: Why would your father ever be worried about your eternal fate?
Malva: I'm flattered you don't think he should be. But why not? Are we all not sinners, Mr... it is Fraser, isn't it?
Ian: It's Murry. My ma's a Fraser. And aye, we are all sinners, but a young lass like yourself? Surely, you've done no wrong.
Malva: Looks can be deceiving.

Claire: God wants him to have the surgery, but the masochist is refusing the ether.
Tom: Masochist?
Claire: Well, it's a word for people who prefer to suffer pain.