You know what? It's just that Maya likes Sam better, you're mad at me for bringing you here, and this boy is baking cakes at me!


I'm not the one that blew up the house.


You drank all the orange juice. You hogged the covers. You put our dog to sleep. You never took my side. You were mean to me. You withheld sex. You were cold. You were a mean, cold bitch! And I hate you! I hate you so much! I'm sorry I couldn't save you.


Cooper: What's your problem, you'd think someone died.
Charlotte: Dying. Big Daddy.
Cooper: Big Daddy? Well that is a screen-name. When you get back on the horse, you really get back on the horse, huh?
Charlotte: Cooper-
Cooper: What's killing him? The sex or the cold fish attitude?
Charlotte: Big Daddy's my father.

Cooper: I want you to talk to me. Do you not see that we are a perfect match and you're screwing it up?
Charlotte: I got embarrassed and humiliated. So don't tell me about screwing things up. You think it's easy for me to look you in the face after I sobbed in your lap like a 12 year old girl, asked you to marry me, and got turned down?

LA is the place you lured me to, with you Champagne wishes and Caviar dreams.


I don't fit here.


Mark Sloan had you naked within an hour of his arrival. Now, what does that say to you?


Addison: When did we get so...
Mark: OLD!
Addison: I was gonna say "sad."

I said put something on top of it. Don't put something on me!


Sheldon: (to Violet) Did you do something different? You look great.
Pete: She did something different.
Sheldon: Well whatever it is, keep doing it.

Dell: I can't believe it. You, pregnant.
Violet: I don't want anyone to know.
Dell: What about the father? Does he know?
Violet: It's complicated.
Dell: Well you don't owe me any explanations.
Violet: It could be Pete or it could be Sheldon.
Dell: Keeping it local. That's cool.

Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches