Sage, when I was your age, my biggest concern was trying to get Ethan Hawke to marry me. The Realty Bites Ethan Hawke, not the "I left my wife for my nanny and haven't showered in ten days" Ethan Hawke


Will: I'm sorry I told you to ditch your family. The woman I fell in love with could never give up on anybody
Megan: did you just..?
Will: That's right, I love you Megan Smith. Deal with that
Megan: I love you too

[after Megan and Charlie kiss]
Megan: Woh..
Charlie: I love you Megan.. Tell me you feel the same way and I won't go. Tell me you need me to stay

Rose [about Luis]: What if he started avoiding you after you told him you never had sex before?
Sage: I would hate him.
Rose: Exactly. Almost as much as I hate emo

Megan [about Charlie]: When all is said and done, he's my best friend in the whole world and I have to say goodbye
Will: And what I'm saying is you've already kissed your best friend goodbye

You play and sweet and adorable but the truth is you're completely selfish. You're the worst kind of bad person cause you think your good but you're not. You're not a good person at all

Mandy [to Megan]

Owe! You're unusually strong for a little person

Charlie [to Megan]

Rose: I think you're way overreacting
Sage: Umm.. you're obsessing over a fat girl from spacecamp and I'm overreacting? My guy is a religious zealot!
Rose: He goes to church
Sage: Zealot
Rose: That does not make him a zealot...
Sage: Come on, you've seen The Da Vinci Code. What if he's the albino and flogs himself?

Marco: Waiting for a distraction is not a plan
Megan: Well it's less fattening than your turtle plan

I did the math and it turns out Smirnoff vanilla vodka is cheaper than artificial insemination


Megan: Some might say she's single handedly revitalizing the economy with her shopping addiction
Rami: Some might ask you to take that silver lining and hang me with it

Rose [taking out knife]: This is a survival kit
Megan: Oh i'm gonna hate this story, aren't it?
Rose: You know how I moved in to my own room about a month ago after I found out you guys all lied to me about different stuff?
Megan: You decided to kill us and leave our bodies in the woods?
Rose: Wow, that's super dark megan

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid