Patricia: Do you blog?
Rose: ugh
Patricia: The little one is getting on my nerves

You realize one pair of their shoes would cover my rent for a month


Caryn: I can't believe you live here.. I am in awe
Sage: And I am in awe of your outfit
Caryn: Thanks
Sage: Not a compliment.. why do people just assume?

Sage: You know since you've moved into this house, I actually look forward to going to school every morning
Megan: Aww thanks sage
Sage: Not a compliment

Megan: My best friend from Yale is flying in from New York today, her name is Karen and you're going to love her
Marco: Well I'm only starting to love you, let's not muddy the waters

Will: I work for Peter Friedland, he's a sports photographer
Megan: Hey, like you!
Will: Like me, except he gets paid and published and all that good stuff

Megan: My friend Karen is flying in from new york and she's going to stay with me the next few days and I was hoping you could show us some of that rich ass Palm Beach living. You know maybe we could take a spin on one of your yachts tomorrow afternoon
Will: How many yachts do you think i have?
Megan: Okay well if the yachts unavailable, we can go for a ride on one of your horses or elephants.

Will: Did it never occur to you I had a job?
Megan: Umm no, but that's probably because I've known you for four months and you never mentioned you had one, but I'm silly like that

Privileged Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Megan: My friend Karen is flying in from new york and she's going to stay with me the next few days and I was hoping you could show us some of that rich ass Palm Beach living. You know maybe we could take a spin on one of your yachts tomorrow afternoon
Will: How many yachts do you think i have?
Megan: Okay well if the yachts unavailable, we can go for a ride on one of your horses or elephants.

Will: Did it never occur to you I had a job?
Megan: Umm no, but that's probably because I've known you for four months and you never mentioned you had one, but I'm silly like that

Privileged Season 1 Episode 9 Music

  Song Artist
Song This Is Alright Ellem
Song Underground Sunshine Livvi Franc
Song Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Chris Perry