When women tell you to do one thing, they actually want you to do the exact opposite.


There are some things about women that only me and NBC anchor Brian Williams know.


Gus: These Plums are God's candy
Shawn: If God meant for those to be candy, why did he invent candy? Did you hear what I just said?

Tell your boyfriend goodbye and let's get some pancakes.


We're so off the grid I think we're back on the grid.


I think lately things are getting out of hand

Shawn[to Gus]

I am Burton Guster. I am just a man, a man who cares.


Maybe we could hug it out later.

Shawn [to Geoff]

Weirdest flirting I've ever heard.


Gus: I was gonna ask you the same question...
Juliet: Gus, this woman witnessed a crime...
Gus: Yeah, a crime in progress, she's stealing my heart...but I ain't pressing charges...

We take our handheld entertainment very seriously.


Juliet: It's all police work Carlton.
Carlton: Yeah, right, and global warming is real.
Juliet: Yes, it is, Carlton.
Carlton: Sure it is.

Psych Quotes

Gus: That's a player's move, Shawn, a player's move.
Shawn: That's not a player's move, Gus, that's an astronomer's move.

Juliet: It's all police work Carlton.
Carlton: Yeah, right, and global warming is real.
Juliet: Yes, it is, Carlton.
Carlton: Sure it is.