There's nothing wrong with wanting to be normal.


You can't handle your own truth, why would I think you could handle mine?

Remi [to Luke]

Olivia: A big hairy spider was crawling up my arm.
Caleb: We're in a room with two skeletons and that's what's freaking you out?

Okay there's creepy and then there's if I pee in my pants you can't make fun of me.


I couldn't tel her everything. She'd be here in a split second. I can't have what happened to you, happen to her.

Caleb [to Miranda]

One minute I'm sneaking up on Grunwald doing my poltergeist thing, the next minute I'm being seared like Ahi tuna.


Caleb: We’re the ones who are in danger. We’re marked.
Olivia: My father wasn’t marked and he was killed because of the pact.

You were gonna wish you were dead before this is over. And then, you’ll get your wish.

Jail Guy [to Luke]

Collins: I’m sure you realize there are a lot of people in this town who have a very wrong opinion of your mother.
Olivia: Yeah they think she killed my dad.
Collins: You and I know that’s not true.

I wasn’t awake, but was I asleep? Good question.


Don’t you just think it’s a little strange? Henry dies and you’re called to town.


Caleb: Last time you were out you were tricked by demons into a haunted house so...
Miranda: Yeah well I'm smarter now, I've got a strict policy against walking through glowing doorways.

Ravenswood Quotes

I think you're supposed to start off with "Hello."


Ravenswood has to be the only town in the country without a website.
