I have a feeling there isn't much we'll be agreeing on these next few weeks.


I'm gunning for you. I'm coming after you with everything I've got. I just hope you'll still respect me in the morning.


I never understood how anybody so educated could be so dumb.


If she does ask me, I'd tell her not to settle for a guy like you. She deserves better.


Once he started scaling the social ladder, my jagged edges and sister girl ways just didn't make the cut.


Jamie: So he left you because he thought you weren't good enough?
Vi: No I left him because I finally figured out I was.

Saving your ass is my job. You're my son.


Charles: I've often thought that losing you was the biggest mistake of my life.
Vi: Oh, it was.

No matter what happens, win or lose. When this is all over I'm going to make you fall in love with me.


Are those heels so high you're being deprived of oxygen Ms. Sawyer?


I know the two of you have eyes for one another. You'd have to be blind as a mole rat not to see it but my courtroom will not be a place for you to engage in foreplay.


You shot a hole in your own boat.


Reckless Quotes

Don't be dissing Hooters. You might be working there someday.


Kinda looks like she's got you bent over a stump with your pants down, son.
