These next moments of your life will either define you as a victim or as a powerful Queen, untouched by failed a assassination attempt. They will define who you are perceived to be, your place in history. Do not let them win. Trust me. Trust me and let me help you. Trust that I can get you through this because I swear to you that I can.


They tried to diminish a King tonight by degrading a Queen and they will not succeed because the world will never know what happened to you.


I know you don't want to be touched, that's alright. But, you're safe. I don't know how you managed to escape but you did. You are alive. You will survive this. I know this because I survived. You know that. They try to destroy you by taking your pride and your strength, but those things cannot be taken, not from you. Not ever.


I'm only going to ask you this once, so we are both clear on what you endured this night. Were you raped?


Mary, I love you. You do know that, no matter what I've done.


Claude: I'm marrying Conde. Thanks anyway for your selfless offer.
Narcisse: Are you prepared to die for this marriage?
Claude: At least my family will cry at my funeral.

Francis: You think he was convinced?
Bash: I'm not sure I want you to be King anymore.
Francis: Good. Then he'll move to take my head.

Claude: Very nice. I see Mary's point now. She sent you to woo me, didn't she?
Conde: Yes. How's it going so far?

Conde: Now I feel a creeping sense of unease.
Mary: Because you've know me. I ask for things. And I'm asking you if you will become a symbol, for all of France. Would you consider marrying the Princess, Claude.

The only alliance I'm interested is temporary, delicious and bad.


You did this to us, to France. For all that you claim you're trying to protect us, I have lost all faith in you and the man I thought you were.


Oh the things I have done for you, how I have protected you. You think that I don't love you. You don't see! In my way I have mothered you more than any of my children.


Reign Quotes

My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.

Queen Catherine

Love is irrelevant to people like us.
