[to Emily] Lately I've been feeling like I'm just playing a role in a story you're writing.


Nolan: The more things you try to control, the more chance for error.
Emily: I didn't come here for platitudes.

[to Emily] You can't give him the one thing that he needs. You. The real you. All people want is for their partners to be honest with them and they catch on pretty damn quick when you're not.


Patrick, I sacrificed personal happiness for all the wrong reasons. I hope you don't do the same.


Amanda Clarke is chaos theory and I cannot let this continue.


It's hard for me to share memories from my past, Daniel. It's hard for me to trust. You know, people think that because I lost my family I never knew what real love was. But I did and it was ripped away from me and I still feel that pain like it was yesterday. That's why I push people away.


[to Nolan] I found you.


Nolan: It's like, for four years, I thought I was part of something bigger than myself, but if I'd known the truth I would've just erased as I went.
Jack: And what's the truth?
Nolan: That I'm just a hacker who provided the software that ran Emily Thorne. Now that Emily's gone, I'm obsolete.

[to Charlotte] Good morning, kitten! It's lovely to have you back in the litter.


Patrick: I want to be with you. I don't know why they get a vote.
Nolan: They shouldn't.
Patrick: Well, then what's standing in our way?

Jack: Something the matter?
Nolan: Yeah, Emily. She's kind of screwing with my life and I want it to stop.
Jack: Call her on it. Don't back down.

Jack: I hate that my first instinct is to protect her after everything that she's done.
Nolan: You're not alone.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
