Ghost: Charles, I gotta be honest with you, I don't think I'm coping all that well with things. You know, maybe I should find this more intriguing being able to see everything. It beats the void, you know, the nothingness. But uh, I mean, without you, I'm lonely.
Charlie: Yep, I'm getting there.

What happened to Charlie isn't fair. But you're still a doctor. I need you here, Alex.

Dr. Kinney

Shahir: I'm immune to guilt.
Alex: That wasn't guilt.
Shahir: It presented like guilt.

This is what I love about you, Alex. You face things. You walk towards trouble. You look it right in the eye. And when you have to, you fight.


As surgeons we deal in absolutes. In certainty. We make a choice, we believe it's right. We can't second guess ourselves. At least, that's what I used to think.


Ghost: What's going on?
Charlie: I'm in a coma.
Ghost: Am I in a coma?
Charlie: No, you died. We did everything we could. Sorry about that.

See doctors like tests. It's the unknown that scares them.


Jackson: I told you, garlic and holy water enema might do the trick.
Reycraft: He did have a stake going through his chest. Just noticing a connection.
Alex: My patient is really suffering, Reycraft, and not just from photosensitivity.
Jackson: The guy's a vampire.
Reycraft: Who's going to tell him?
Joel: Guys...
Alex: Vampire! Jackson, I love you.

Joel: I've been completely honest with you here, Maggie, about this. I'm not up for a relationship right now, I don't have it in me, and I don't want to lead you on.
Maggie: Okay, then I think our transaction here is done.

Joel: Ow! Did you just bite me?
Maggie: Yeah, I had an impulse.

Doctors call pain "the fifth vital sign." But unlike the other four, you want it to stop.


Joel: I came in here because I was trying to be nice to you.
Alex: Well don't be nice. Because you're a lot of things, Joel, but you're not nice.

Saving Hope Quotes

Joel: It's gonna be weird, isn't it? I mean you and me. You didn't invite me to the wedding so presumably you're still in love with me.
Alex: Right. I totally forgot. I like to remember the poems you wrote me, the breakfast in bed, the nurses you were banging.
Joel: Okay, we can stop right there.

This is how it happens. You leave it all behind. Everything you love. Everything you know. You belong to the hospital now. And all you can do is hope.
