Thanks, Doc. Why don't you go deal with your sense of powerlessness and burn down another school?


Jane: I never even made it inside.
Cassie: But I found your scarf inside his house. This is yours, isn't it?
Jane: Yes, it is. That's strange.
Cassie: Yeah. It is.

Cassie: If you're not using the skull to kill witch hunters, then what is it for?!
John: To kill witches. Every single one without Balcoin blood.

I wouldn't be here if I could do magic by myself.


Cassie: I've tried to do small spells since but nothing works.
Faye: Like setting more classmates on fire?

You can't live in the past. Especially when the present looks like me.


Cassie: You tried to steal my power.
Faye: You keep whining about how much you don't want your dark magic. I was doing you a favor.

She did tell me something disturbing, though. Did you dig up your dad's grave? With Jake?


The six of us together couldn't stop Samuel and he only had one demon in him, Eben has six!


I have dark magic up to my eyeballs, thanks to you, and I haven't changed.


Once dark magic takes a hold of you, it's impossible to get free.


John: Nice touch, playing up your connection to the skull.
Cassie: What do you mean? I just want to be the one to kill Eben. We all have the same goal, right?
John: No Cassie, we don't all have the same goal. But we will.

Secret Circle Quotes

Oh for God's sake, spit it out! You're a witch. You're a full-blooded, hundred percent witch. We all are. There, done.


Cassie: Are you doing this?
Adam: We are.