It was me. I felt it. I have my solo magic back.


Adam: Is that what I think it is?
Cassie: My family's book of shadows.

Witch hunters have always been the best way to galvanize witches.


We have to get our powers back and help the circle and there is only one person who can make that happen.


There are still people in this town who remember.


Sometimes when we're together, street lights explode. And that may be weird for Diana.


Cassie: Are you doing this?
Adam: We are.

John: Are you okay?
Cassie: Not really. My grandmother is dead and it turns out my father slept with half of Chance Harbor!

Let's hurry up. I wouldn't want you to miss your imaginary meeting.


He won all of us over, but we're just the two idiots who slept with him.


The thing is, in the blink of an eye, I feel like everything was perfect, but I can't remember that feeling. And I keep trying, but I can't.


Did we get stood up? By your dad?


Secret Circle Quotes

Oh for God's sake, spit it out! You're a witch. You're a full-blooded, hundred percent witch. We all are. There, done.


Cassie: Are you doing this?
Adam: We are.