Miranda: I know what this is, my right ovary has given up hope that I will ever get married and have kids. It's like working on a case that you know is gonna settle out of court. Why bother?
Carrie: Well, the left one still believes.
Miranda: I'm a biological underachiever. And it's ironic because that ovary went to Harvard.

Carrie: Half my music collection was left behind by past boyfriends.
Charlotte: I always give that stuff back.
Carrie: Oh I don't. I consider it a parting gift. Thanks for playing and here's the latest from Hootie and the Blowfish.
Samantha: They're sexual souvenirs.

Samantha: I never leave underwear at a guy's place, because I never see it again.
Charlotte: What happens to it?
Samantha: Nothing, I just never go back.
Carrie: Doesn't that get a little expensive, disposing of lingerie everytime you sleep with a guy?
Samantha: That's why I stopped wearing underwear on dates.
Miranda: And that's why, I'm never borrowing a dress from you again.

(voiceover) The gay straight man was a new strain of heterosexual male spawned in Manhattan as the result of overexposure to fashion, exotic cuisine, musical theatre and antique furniture.


If the things we leave behind become the archaeological relics of our sexual history, I should be able to leave something. Ancient man left cave drawings to prove they existed. I left a Hair Pro 1200, and I didn't stop at that. Man may have discovered fire, but woman discovered how to play with it.


Charlotte: This guy is working class.
Miranda: Working class?
Carrie: It's the millenium sweetie, we don't say things like working class anymore.
Charlotte: You're trying to pretend we live in a classless society and we don't.
Carrie: Ok Marie Antoinette, we get the picture.

No brown food? I think we just encountered a mutant strain of Upper East Side anal.


Wylie Ford: Oh, Charlene, you're so hot, I can't wait to get you to bed.
Charlotte: Charlotte. My name is Charlotte.
Wylie Ford: I prefer Charlene.

I fucking love you alright, you know I do. It's just a tough thing for me to say, because it always seems to get me in trouble when I say it.

Mr. Big

Well, I didn't put an expiration date on the sentiment, but I figure it's got the shelf life of a dairy product. It's going to start to curdle in about a week.


Miranda: I wanted to do this for you?
Steve: Then, I start to think of you as my mother and that can get a little wierd for me.

Samantha: How's he in bed?
MIranda: There are no words.
Samantha: Sounds like a dream relationship to me.
Carrie: Yeah, he can make you cum then he can make you a cosmopolitan.

Sex and the City Season 2 Quotes

Me, James and his tiny penis, we're one big happy family.


Samantha: Why are we sitting all the way up here?
Carrie: It's the only place I can smoke without Giuliani putting me away for ten years.