Clark Kent, international man of mystery.


Chloe: Your online horoscope suggests that you try not to flaunt your excitement which I know will be hard since you've been waiting for this date since, like your first growth spurt.
Clark: I'll say this one more time, and then I'll print up bumper stickers: this is not a date.

Clark: Hello, citizens.
Martha: I'm not familiar with this child. Where's the moody one? Lives upstairs, runs real fast?

Jonathan: We already talked about that.
Martha: I talked, you grunted.
Jonathan: I thought that I was rather articulate.

A high school boyfriend isn't a husband; he's an obstacle.


Don't sound so shocked, Clark. Guys do find me attractive even though I don't have raven hair and the initials "L.L."


Are you from an ice planet? It's freezing. I'm going to go thaw out by the fire. Have fun.


Clark: I thought you came over for fashion advice.
(Clark shows her a shirt)
Chloe: Burn that. What else have you got?
Clark: I'll check the laundry basket.

Clark: Maybe I can help.
Jonathan: You already have. Last season you saved us four part-time hands.
Clark: No, I'm thinking bigger picture. You know, forget about this whole high school thing and try out for a pro sports team. I could make a ton of money in endorsements. (off his parent's stern looks) Just trying to lighten up the mood.
Martha: Much as we'd love to see your face on a cereal box, we'd settle for you getting to school on time.

Clark: You deserved a lot better than Sean even before he...tried to kill you.
Chloe: That's sweet, I think.

Can I come in? I promise I'm not packing heat.


Clark: Mom, if you could see anything, what would you do?
Mrs. Kent: Learn to close my eyes.

Smallville Season 1 Quotes

Pete: Statistical fact: If Clark moved any slower he'd be extinct.

Jonathan: I know this has gotta be really hard for you. But you gotta just hang in there like we promised.
Clark: I'm sick of "hanging in there." All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser.