Peter: This is more a war of the mind than of the body. There are better methods for winning this battle.
Deaton: What kind of methods?
Peter: We're gonna get into his head.

Chaos has come again.


You want to save Stiles, kill him. That's the only way.


I just found out you're 900 years old. I'm never gonna trust you again.


Scott: Can you call them off?
Noshiko: When you hear the rest of the story you won't want me to.

Scott: If that's you, then you'd have to be like 90 years old.
Noshiku: Closer to 900.
Kira: OK. Sure. Dad, how old are you?
Mr. Yukimura: Forty-three, but I've been told I look mid 30s.

Dr. Deaton: Which begs the question. How do we change Stiles' body?
Scott: By changing him into a werewolf.

We're here to save a life, not end one.


Stiles: Was that your first kiss?
Malia: (nods)
Stiles: Was it any good?
Malia: (nods)
Stiles: Want to try it again?
Malia: (nods)

Give me the finger. You know what I mean.


Get up! There's another way to the basement. Through the closed unit, where they keep the real psychos.


I'm the spark that lit your fire sweetheart.


Teen Wolf Season 3 Quotes

Scott: Can we just drive, now, please?
Stiles: No. It's a red light.

And seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like that's not going to be a disaster.
