I need information, not advice.


There is nothing wrong with you.


You're working with Berlin?


Ressler: I'm coming for you.
Tom: Good luck with that.

I don't know, Tom. From where I'm sitting, you look like the bitch to me.


We can do this.


Red: A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
Luther: Nietzche?
Red: Bruce Lee.

I'm going to get her back.


Sadly there isn't a prison on earth where I don't know a few guys.


From here on forward, I am the warden.


I'm the man who just took over your gulag. You're the desk jockey that's going to put me in contact with someone who matters.


Man: It must be good to be home again, sir.
Red: Yeah. Well, we'll see about that.

The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
