Every part of this little drama, Kate, is playing out as grand tragedy.


Dembe: How is me keeping your secret from her different than keeping her secret from you?
Red: The difference is that you and I don't have secrets.

Sit tight, Liz, and let us do our job.

Cooper [to Liz]

Forgers don't have to be great artists, just great engineers.


It turns out you are due for a reckoning and Elizabeth Keen and I are coming to deliver one.

Townsend [to Red]

You know it's awful, but people do tend to associate a thick neck with a low IQ.


I'm keeping the baby.


Cooper: I don't suppose it would do any good to remind [Red] that's our job?
Liz: He knows. He just doesn't care.

Liz: I don't think I have what it takes.
Mrs. French: Of course, you do. Every mother does.

She senses your fear. For God's sake, Herbie, you need to relax.

Red [to Herbie]

Losing someone we love is painful.


Robby: Heading back to D.C.?
Ressler: I'm sure the office misses me.
Robby: I'll sure miss you.