Jane: I don't want you involved.
Lisbon: I am involved.
Jane: Not anymore.

You knew this day was coming. It's here.


Don't be timid now Patrick. I could have killed you many times and I haven't.


What beady little eyes birds have. Tiny dinosaurs, you know?


Lisbon: You're a wanted man.
Jane: Well, I like to think so.

Abbott: It's a damn shame Teresa. By all accounts, you were a good cop.
Lisbon: I still am.

I don't have to use a funny voice, you know who this is.


If you have ever done anything even remotely questionable, we will find out and we will prosecute.


We're done. There's nothing more to do here.


I'm Special Agent in Charge Teresa Lisbon. Who the hell are you?


Rigsby: And we're good with that, killing the boss?
Van Pelt: I am.
Cho: Yeah.

  • Permalink: Yeah.
  • Added:

You need a favor you ask for it. You get asked to do something, you do it.

Reede Smith

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.