Lisbon: Its funny how well you two got along.
Jane: Well, I have the same amount of trouble with those pesky quantum lords.

Oliver: He's not my dad. He's a cyber clone sent by the Galactic quantum lords.
Jane: Oh them. They are always up to something shady.

You should tell the truth, it is easier to remember.


Jane: Enough Mr. Tolman. Tell me the truth or I will pop ya.
Annika: Don't even think about it.
Jane: It's soft. It's just a hand. Just a hand.
Tolman: Annika, put the gun down.
Lisbon: Why do you have an armed body guard, Mr. Bundte?

You never watch movies? That's how the bad guys do it.


We are like the FBI only more conveniently located.


Games are for people with too much time on their hands.


What's going on with you? Couldn't sit down, can't stay still. Guilty conscious?


What can I say, I always had a thing for the smart guys.


Van Pelt: I hate clowns.
Lisbon: Get in line.

(Looks at all the clowns) At least they are all crying on the inside.


Jane: Did the killer take the finger?
Cho: Looks that way.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.