Is this anybodies sandwich? Because I've eaten half of it and I don't like it.

Peter Prentice

Morgan: Do you remember my ex girlfriend Vicky?
Mindy: No.
Morgan: Ok, well anyway, she just got engaged to an engineer and not the choo-choo kind, the rich kind.

We're nothing like each other. He wears cargo shorts, I wear slacks. He surfs, I fear the ocean, out of respect.


Jason: I think it was kind of refreshing to see normal people fall in love in a movie.
Mindy: I am not yet tired of seeing hot people fall in love.

Bet you didn't think with this bod, that I had a brain too and pretty good boobs.

Danny: You really think my body's hot?
Mindy: Ugh! You know that it is.
Danny: The guys at the gym, you know they make comments but, they're flirts

It's afterhours, there's different rules.


Peter: I will kill this old lady.
Mindy: Excuse me?!
Peter: She's pushing 55 and that's a terrible day to die.

I don't have a problem with you. I just don't want to hang out with you if I don't have to.


The holes on the tea cups don't fit my fat fingers!


Are you kidding me, assigned seats? What is this The Oscars?


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?


The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
