We're friends. We're still married. We're married friends. So, one for the road?

Adrian [to Ben]

Wanna know what they call email and texts in court? Evidence!


We're never gonna trust each other, so why do we even bother?

Ricky [to Amy]

You don't have any reason not to trust me, that's just an excuse to not be with me, you know you can trust me.


You can't just go sending naked pictures around to people.


No one ever trusted me other than you, when I got busted I felt humiliated and felt like I let you down.


You know I can be crazy too. If that's what you want. If that's what you like.


I always want more. Or better or different than what I have.


Getting married isn't going to guarantee that or anything else.


He had to learn not to be like the wicked King and Queen when he grew up.


Do you want me to give mommy the ring?

Ricky [to John]

Your idea of wild is a chocolate shake and a bath?
