I'm not gonna pay 32 grand on top of what I pay for taxes, just so you could make out with your girlfriend senior year.


They're talking about you coming to your wedding with another woman or something.


I would never have sex with a girl, they're dramatic, they're emotional, they're fickle. It would be like having sex with myself.


Don't they have something better to do than talk about whether somebody's gay or not?


Please don't tell me you're transferring schools to be with that pot smoking skank!


Alice: Ben do you not realize this girl's your Fatal Attraction?
Ben: I don't think I'd say she's my Fatal Attraction, she's maybe more my, uh, Basic Instinct.

I just don't believe in the whole happily ever after thing with you.

Grace [to Jack]

I just don't believe you just wanna be just friends.

Jack [to Grace]

Anne is gay and Kathleen made me gay...you know happy.


They used to but with budget cuts, apparently the price of bananas soared.


You're texting your ex husband while you're kissing me?

Omar [to Adrian]

Okay well if the two of us are gonna be friends we can't be angry with each other, we should find someone else to be angry at, a common enemy.

Madison [to Lauren]

The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 4 Quotes

I don't think the point is for it to be okay and for us to get over it. It's for us to live with it.


Adrian: Maybe I'll just take the GED like Ashley or something.
Ben: The Good Enough Degree? That's not good enough for my wife.