Debbie: She's a cunt.
Russell: But she's a special cunt.

It may be 10 minutes from now or 10 years, the moment you think you're safe, I promise I will hunt you down and f---in' shred you like confetti.


(To Eric) You may be the strongest, oldest vampire in my queendom, but if I wanted, I could own your fangs as earrings


I haven't enjoyed sex with men since the Eisenhower administration


Godric: Do you believe in God?
Sookie: Yes, I do.
Godric: If you're right, how will he punish me?
Sookie: God doesn't punish, he forgives.
Godric: I don't deserve it. But I hope for it.
Sookie: We all do.

Talbot: You and your dusty love beast are at odds with my decor.
Franklin: No one cares what you think about anything. Shut up!

I'm in no mood for lesbian weirdness tonight Pam.


I have a diploma from anger management, where I learned talking about your feelings is a manly thing to do.


We fucked like only two vampires can.

Bill [on Lorena, to Sookie]

It's strange to miss someone you don't remember.

Eric Northman

Lafayette: Make me a vampire.
Eric: I beg your pardon?
Lafayette: You can put me to work in the bar...I'm a good dancer you've seen it on my site. (Eric walks around to him) Shit, I'd get up there and I'd move Earth and Heaven go-go style.
Eric: You are aware there's a gaping hole in your leg? You're damaged goods.
Lafayette: Not if you turn me. I'd be good as ever. Look I...I'm already a person of poor moral character. So, I hit the ground running and I damn near glamour people already. Gimme what ya'll got...not only will I be a bad-ass vampire, but I'd be your bad-ass vampire

Lafayette: [looking at all of the food brought by the town] What the fuck is it with white people and jello? I don't understand.
Tara: What the hell we gonna do with all this?
Lafayette: Toss it. Sookie don't need no bad juju cooking.
Tara: Bad juju?
Lafayette: Way to a man's heart is through his stomach. That shit true as gold. You put some love in your food and folk can taste it. Smell this. You can smell the fear and nastiness comin' off that cornbread.
Tara: Tastes just fine to me.
Lafayette: See bitch. You gonna wish you ain't did that. Watch

True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Eric: You surprise me. That's rare in a breather.
Sookie: You disgust me.
Eric: Perhaps I'll grow on you.
Sookie: I'd prefer cancer

True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes