Andy: Jesus, Stackhouse. Have you had sex with every woman in this town?
Jason: I don't know, close, I guess.

And I'm here to tell you, Jesus loves vampires. I mean, anyone who's been dead for three days knows where we're coming from.

Steve Newlin

I've no interest in being the new Packmaster. Or eating the old one.


Have you seen Jason's butt? When it's rock hard, you could chip a fang on it.


Sam: She just lost her son.
Luna: She just ate her son.

Eric: The streets can be dangerous at this hour. A lady should really be more careful.
Pam: If I meet a lady, I'll let her know.

We fight like siblings, but we fu-k like champions.


I'm wearing a Walmart sweatsuit for ya'll. If that's not a demonstration of team spirit I don't know what is.


Color me impressed, you guys know how to party.


I am wearing a Walmart sweatshirt for y'all. If that's not a demonstration of team spirit, I don't know what is.


I'm a gay vampire American and I love you, Jason Stackhouse.


Pam: She smells.
Sookie: Is that bad?
Pam: Can't imagine it's good.

True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Eric: You surprise me. That's rare in a breather.
Sookie: You disgust me.
Eric: Perhaps I'll grow on you.
Sookie: I'd prefer cancer

True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes