J.D.: You're way too pretty to not be stupid.
Rikki: Yeah? What's your excuse?

Fu-k you andy, you're human. You got no idea what it's like having people want to kill you just cause what you are.


Lafayette: Well is you ok?
Ruby Jean: I'll tell you who not ok, Jesus.
Lafayette: I know, he dead.
Ruby Jean: Well that explains why he not working around here no more.

Bye, I'm just going to quietly slip into a comma.


You're fu-king worse than humans. You might as well be praying to leprechauns or unicorns, or the mother fu-king Kardashians! That makes just as much sense.


Guess that whole friendship things on hold.


You're just what the doctor ordered.


First of all, I've seen enough horror movies to know you don't split up when you're in a big, scary asylum and there's a crazed killer on the loose. Second, I think it's fair to say my microwave fingers and the sun are about the only things around here that seem to have any effect on Russell. So the way I see it, it's me protecting you from him instead of the other way around. Third, I got a headache and I gotta pee something fierce so I'd just as soon get this over with


Cheese and crackers, Andy, will you put some clothes on? Have you lost your mind?


Listen close. I saved your f-king life and lent you some truly exquisite clothes. But if you do anything to mess with Fangtasia, I will silver you and stick you in a coffin to rot until the next millennium. Do you understand me?


New York City smells like pee and the people are rude.


We're gonna live forever. We're gonna be young forever. The world is wide open to us.


True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Eric: You surprise me. That's rare in a breather.
Sookie: You disgust me.
Eric: Perhaps I'll grow on you.
Sookie: I'd prefer cancer

True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes