Myka: So you're like 300 years old?
Professor Sutton: 514 actually, I moisturize

Myka: You saved me.
Professor Sutton: Well as I said, beautiful women are my fatal flaw.

Go on use my ring. I won't have the entire world upstage my big death scene.

Professor Sutton

You, uh, wished for a transfer, didn't you? Oh, see, impossible wishes, wishes that can never be granted, they produce a ferret. Don't ask me why. My first year here, the whole place was crawling with ferrets.


Pete: An ATV!! Ah man, I love ATVs! Hey Myks to you think the warehouse can get one decked out?
Myka: No.

Artie: And that is exactly what we do here. We take the unexplained.. and we just safely tuck it away in this super-sized Pandora's Box.
Pete: Metaphorically speaking.
Artie: Well, actually, Pandora's box is over in Aisle 989-B. Empty, of course.

[talking to herself] Go with Pete they say, you'll love it, sunshine and fresh air. [Slaps a bug on her neck] Why am I so delicious to you?


Pete: Holy ganja Batman.
Claudia: Ah, the blue glow was for the grow lights.

Pete: So, okay, who are these guys?
Artie: Former colleagues.
Pete: And.. and where are they now?
Artie: Well, um, this one and this one are dead. This one, a mental institution in Germany. And this last one disappeared. One day I'll find him.

Artie: Come on. Come on inside. I'll show you around.
Myka: Around what? What am I doing here?
Artie: I'll explain everything inside. Come on. I made cookies.
Pete: Ooh.

What? I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with the horse.


Yeah, you'll grow to hate that.
