Hey. I don't know what's going on with you. But when you finally wake up and realize that cutting yourself off from the people who love you is truly a terrible idea, call me - I'm not going anywhere.


Artie: Anything more than a platonic relationship is just too risky.
Vanessa: Some risks are worth taking.
Artie: Some are not.
Artie: We'll see each other at the warehouse from time to time.
Vanessa: No. You don't just get to quit on us. That's not how it works.

Vanessa: Only thing that was missing, was a
Artie: A shiny copper bell.
Vanessa: I've told you this story. Well, that happens sometimes at this age. You're name's Artie, right? How do I know you?

Click me, huh? Click you!


Claudia: Who died and made you the boss of me?
Steve: Ah, I did.

Pete: Yeah, I don't even want to know what kind of jingle bells kicks you two kids are into?
Artie: Hey, hey, hey. It's a gift, not an artifact.

Claudia: Oh come on, I think it's so cute. You officially have a girlfriend.
Artie: She's not my girlfriend.
Claudia: Ah, are you seeing anyone else?
Artie: No.
Claudia? Do you want to?
Artie: No.
Claudia: She's your girlfriend.

Artie: Hey, look at me. When was the last time you slept?
Steve: Right after I died.

Well, you know who could help you though? Tech savvy girl, maybe with a punk rock flare and a bit of Goth.


Not all wonders are endless Claudia.

Mrs. Frederic

Myka: So why didn't the wishing work?
Pete: I've been thinking about that too. Maybe the dog tags just work on people that you love right? Judy's grandpa used it on his army buddy. Judy used it on Mike. I used it on..... do I have a booger?
Myka: No, no, no, no. You just admitted you love me.
Pete: I also love fajitas, cage fighting and bald women. I mean Sinead O'Connor.

Mrs. Frederick: The creation of an artifact is simply the meeting of an object, a person and a moment.
Claudia: It's a good glimpse.

Warehouse 13 Season 4 Quotes

Claudia: That's why it's a 24-hour stopwatch because Magellan was the first one to sail all around the world.
Artie: So you actually paid attention in fifth grade?
Claudia: Yes, now think back to your youth, and try to remember what he said to you on deck the night he crossed the International Date Line.

You guys sound excited! Did I solve it?!
