With this spray-tan, this chain, and this fitted, how could she not love me?

If she wants to come into my bed and throw it at me, I'm gonna take it.

Right now, Pauly would hook up with me, he's so drunk.

Pick three for each one of us, and the grenade just goes to sleep.

She's f--king bugging out!

I swear to God that looks like a garbage bag! I think Victoria should have kept this one a Secret.

Do we have a butter face flavor anywhere?

I'm in Miami. I don't want girls studying for finals. I want girls studying for $%*k!

Jenni's t!ts defy gravity... Albert Einstein should come back and rewrite his laws of physics and rework them around Jenni's t!ts.

It just so happens our initials are MVP. Mike, Vinny, Pauly. We are the MVPs of MIA ... supporting the GFF.

Did I bang Snooki last night? Did I DO the unthinkable?

Snooki: Wanna f*%k?
Vinny: Sure.

Vinny Guadagnino Quotes

Guys with the blow-outs and the fake tans, and guys that wear lip gloss and makeup, those aren't guidos, those are retards.


I don't give a f**k if you're fat, you're ugly, you're 45 years old. I'll dance with ya. I think it's hilarious.
