As you can see, I got a good fade going ... they know how to do it in the hood.

So me and Ronnie go to this new barbershop. It's kind of a hood barbershop. I have thick, Silician hair ... If someone can cut a black person's hair, they can typically cut mine.

I actually like Enzo. The fact that he calls me Vincenzo really makes me feel at home. That's what all the old school Italians in my family call me.

Ronnie's obliviated at this point.

My uncles, they just want me to bang everybody, but I'm interested in more quality girls.

Yo, Pauly D has a little situation on his hands... she's definitely a stage 5 clinger.

[on Mike's sis] I'm think that she might have a crush on me, so ... it's gonna be a wild night.

Mike is so grimy. She has my saliva in her mouth. I wonder how I taste?

I don't know if she's using that for protection.

These kids are robots. I could see basketball, pool, beach. Laundry? I don't see it.

GTL. Gym. Tanning. Laundry. That's how you make the guidos.

The boss' girl ... I am gonna get evicted!

Vinny Guadagnino Quotes

Guys with the blow-outs and the fake tans, and guys that wear lip gloss and makeup, those aren't guidos, those are retards.


I don't give a f**k if you're fat, you're ugly, you're 45 years old. I'll dance with ya. I think it's hilarious.
