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Norman didn't sleep well, he tells an orderly. He was locked in like a prisoner. And he'd like to make a private phone call. Um...no.

He takes his medication and immediately throws up. You'd think they'd watch for that, right? 

Surely Julian will know how to make a private call. He calls Dylan. Mother is in trouble. As a matter of fact, the police may be coming to talk to her. The truth might be coming out. It's about the price that we all pay for keeping secrets. And he's probably getting out today, he thinks.

Norma and Romero make out in the kitchen. She's made him a man-sized meal. 

Norman is making a fuss in the hospital. Obviously nobody knows what's going on. Hello! He's going home today. Dr. Edwards drops by and asks for Norman to accompany him.

Emma and her dad are moving to Seattle for a breathing hospital and so she can go to college. She wants Dylan to go with them. He will.

Edwards shares with Norman that he believes Norman believes what he says, but it's the job of people outside the facility to investigate it while Norman remains in his care. Norman is going to go share his feelings in group.

Julian offers to take Norman on a trip.

Norma goes to visit Emma. She thanks Emma for making Dylan so happy. 

Rebecca calls Romero. She wonders if he killed Bob Paris. She wants to know because Bob left behind $3 million in a safety deposit box. She knows because she laundered it for him. She thinks whoever killed him has the key. That money could be very useful to them. 

Romero acts as if he has no idea what she's talking about. He asks her for the paperwork for a joint checking account before he leaves. 

At home, Romero opens bags of money. He's looking to see what's inside. He finds the key. 

Norma is looking through her things. She has a photo of Norman on her dresser that looks so much like Anthony Perkins. She puts it into her drawer.

At Pineview, Julian has created a ruckus. They're escaping. 

Romero gets a call from the FBI (or something). They're suspecting Rebecca Hamilton of money laundering. They want to know if Romero had a personal relationship with her. No, but his money is in the bank.

Norman is worried about getting into a car with strangers. Julian reminds him they're the crazy ones. 

Julian and Norman wind up at a strip club.

At the festival of lights (?) Norma and Romero catch each other's eyes and light up themselves. When duty calls and Romero steps away, Rebecca steps in to introduce herself to Norma. Ultimately, they walk away from their hot toddys and funnel cake. WHAT?!

Stripper Athena asks Norman to go to the VIP area to do anything he wants. While there, he imagines Mother and murder. He has become Mother while in there, talking about himself in the third person. It's not good. 

He wraps himself up in Athena's boa and Mother and Athena kiss. It's disturbed when Julian starts screaming for him. Mother steps out, shirtless, into the hallway with the boa, brandishing the screwdriver he had with him. Ultimately? He gets punched in the face, his face breaking a mirror.

At home, the house is a mess. It's obvious someone has broken in. It's trashed. 

Norman realizes maybe his mother didn't kill anyone. He cries and asks Edwards to please, please help him. He's tired and he just can't do it anymore. But he doesn't trust what he thinks is real to be real anymore.

Bates Motel
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Bates Motel Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

It's weird how people aren't together, and then all of a sudden they are.


Orderly: Norman, they're waiting for you in group.
Norman: Yes, well, I'm not going.
Orderly: Well, you're scheduled to be there. If you're not going, I'm going to have to confine you back to your room.
Norman: OK, Jacob, you obviously didn't get the memo because I am being released today. You can go ask Dr. Edwards.
Orderly: OK [lays hands on Norman].
Norman [pushes him away]: OK! Thank you! Well done! Bad idea! You have obviously no IDEA what's going on in this place! I'm. Being. Released. TODAY.