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Hermann decides to get a vasectomy for his anniversary. Kelly gets called over to CPD over Keeler; Voight tells Kelly as of right now he's their main suspect. Mouch and Cruz tell Hermann they think his idea might not be the best. Erin calls Otis down to the station for questioning. Jones makes a joke at Hermann's expense regarding his vasectomy, and Otis heads in for questioning. 

A formal complaint is written up against Jones for creating a hostile work environment. Otis asks Cruz to vouch for his whereabouts.  Dawson tries to sign up for another class at the academy but is told it's been cancelled, and she has to wait for the next one (which might take up to a year). Casey and Boden meet with Jones' father, and asks them to disqualify her so he can place her at headquarters. Casey tells Dawson about the news. 

Benny visits with Shay and Severide. Benny brings back some fish from ice fishing and makes some a slight allusion to bring Keeler there. Benny goes to CPD office looking for Voight. The two meet at a bar, and Voight tells him to just stay out of Chicago for a little while. Hermann goes through with telling his wife about the vasectomy, and she's elated to find out. 

Chicago Fire
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