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The newspaper for Casey's election win calls Dawson his wife. 

Otis asks Brett out, but is interrupted by Jimmy. 

Brett treats a man with a gunshot wound. Another man comes up and shoots him, then threatens Brett not to say anything.

Mouch is struggling with his vows and may be getting cold feet. 

The house is called to a fire at a restaurant with people trapped inside. 

Severide and Cruz saw through a vault to rescue people inside. Severide's arm is burnt. 

Casey discovers the insulation was cheap, which is why the walls went up in flames so fast. He wants to do something about it as Alderman.

Brett goes to Boden and tells him what happened. Antonio arrives and Brett IDs the shooter. 

Dawson and Kidd stay over with Brett. She gets a threatening call from the shooter.

Boden asks Dawson to do a shift with Jimmy to keep Brett safe at the house. 

Brett and Jimmy get called to treat the man who threatened Brett. He dies and Brett IDs the body as the shooter. 

Casey loses his first vote. 

Platt and Mouch overcome their fears and get married at Molly's.

Otis meets a girl at the wedding. 

Casey brings up marriage with Dawson, who says she's happy the way things are. 





Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 18 Quotes

Mouch: Are you still willing to be my best man?
Herrmann: What happened to Trudy's brother?
Mouch: Trudy won't say exactly, but Logan got put on the no fly list.

Kidd: Sounds like a wild table, better bring your A-game Severide.
Severide: That's all I got.
Kidd: So breaking and entering is your A-game?