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After Stella rescues a mother and baby from a fire, she is transferred to the PR department, without any notice to Boden or Casey. Everyone thinks this is strange, but when Boden and Casey push for an answer, everything seems on the up and up. When Stella's (useless) replacement makes a comment about how his friend on the CPD gets the plum assignments because his uncle signs off on them, Casey takes Herrmann and tracks down the paperwork. Casey takes it to the chief who gave him the promotion, and they figure out the signature was forged. Boden, Casey, the district chief, and Herrmann confront Hope, who attempts to deny responsibility and then to explain why she did it. Connie escorts her out. Hope tries to convince Sylvie that it was all in good faith, but Brett tells her off. 

Stella gets rip-roaring drunk after finding out about the transfer, and Kelly has to take her home. When they get to the loft, she kisses him and he starts to kiss her back, only to pull back saying that he doesn't want it "like this" while she's drunk. When she wakes up the next morning, she doesn't seem to have any recollection of the kiss, and he doesn't remind her. However, when she returns to 51, he flirts with her in the apartment. 

When a bar near Otis, Cruz, and Brett's apartment closes down, Otis wants to try and buy out some of their stock. Herrmann doesn't approve because he thinks it's mercenary, but Otis goes anyway (in part because of the pretty girl he saw there earlier). After talking to the bar owner and his daughter, Otis pitches the idea of franchising the location as a second Molly's location. His business plan convinces Herrmann and Gabby, although they seem a little worried when they pick up on his attraction to the daughter. 

Gabby's dad is trying to make waves at work, against Gabby's advice, but when he tries to use Matt's old political connections after Gabby explicitly told him not to, she's had enough. She regrets her angry words a few days later when she answers an ambo call and the stabbing victim turns out to be Ramon. 

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

I'm a firefighter, not a desk jockey. I just -- what do I know about public relations? I can barely keep up with my own relations.


Gabby: He won't stay out of his own way. I tell him, 'Pop, you're new there. You gotta keep your head down for a year, you do your work, don't make waves, show up early, leave late, and they're gonna love you.'
Sylvie: Yeah, 'cause Dawsons never make waves.