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Firehouse 51 is called to two eerily similar car wrecks where both multi-vehicle accidents were caused by a chain reaction after the car in front tapped on its breaks and rushed off.

Severide notices a civilian tow truck driver was at the scene of both accidents. He goes to the tow yard and sees towed vehicles with identical damage.

He believes the driver is running some sort of "crash for cash" scam.

With the help of the police department, Severide is able to get the driver arrested.

Cruz tells Brett and Mouch that he hasn’t had the chance to propose to Chloe yet, but later confides in Brett the pair broke up.

Brett goes to talk with Chloe and finds out Chloe broke up with Cruz because she can’t be involved with a first responder and always be worrying about him.

Chloe says after watching Lily deal with Otis' death, she feels she isn't strong enough to go through that.

Though acknowleding Chloe's fears, Brett says Chloe would be crazy to let Cruz go.

Chloe has a change of heart, and tells Cruz the truth. She then asks him to propose to her, and two end the episode engaged.

Meanwhile, Mouch creates newsletter to keep the firehouse informed, but it is taken over by Brett and some other firefighters.

When the revamp newsletter is printed, people are angry that Brett redid a lot of it and didn't include their contribution.

Boden solves the problem by nixing the newsletter moving forward.

Kidd goes to a leadership conference for firefighters, and while feels inadequate at first, she quickly proves herself capable.

The instructor calls Boden to tell him Kiss was the right choice and has potential.

Luke calls Hermann and 911 when his friend is injured at a pool party. Hermann is mad that his son didn't stop his friend from doing something stupid, and Luke apologizes.

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

Kidd: Looks like they’re doing a killer job closing the gender gap, huh.
Justine: What?
Kidd: Oh, we’re the only two women here.
Justine: Right.

Casey: Mouch, while Kidd’s out, I want you driving truck.
Mouch: You got it, captain.
Gallo: That’s awesome man. Congrats.
Mouch: Yeah, I’ve done it once or twice.
Hermann: A lot has changed since the horse and buggy days.
Mouch: Says the guy they used to call Curb-y for taking corners too short.
Hermann: Hey, that was an unearned nickname.
Foster: We believe you Curb-y.