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Brett and Julie continue to bond, though Brett still fears becoming an outsider when the baby arrives and Scott moves to Chicago.

Julie reassures Brett she will always be a part of this family.

Julie later goes into early labor but dies during childbirth. The baby survives.

Kidd and Seager have difficulty signing up recruits for 'Girls on Fire' and the pair butt heads on the best recruiting strategy.

The program is in danger of being pulled if not enough teenage girls sign up, and Kidd convinces one teen named Kylie who brings some of her friends.

Severide and Seager work a case after a witness of a homicide in Milwaukee is murdered. They learn the man was drowned and the motel where he was staying was then set on fire.

With the help of Ruzek, they arrest the man responsible for both murders.

Firehouse 51 members become amateur sleuths after a Reddit post looking to identify Casey.

The firefighters figure out the date of the incident report, and though Casey has his hesitations, Cruz reaches out to the original poster.

It turns out the poster was trying to identify the other firefighter in the photo named Shimblecock to thank him for saving his life.

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 18 Quotes

Casey: You good?
Severide: No such thing as “nice try” in firefighting.
Casey: We got one safe. Let’s focus on that.

Kidd: Hell yeah, it will be challenging, but you show up, you put in the blood, sweat, and tears, and this program could change your life.
Seager: We’ll have a lot of fun too.
Kidd: Hey you with the gum. You must have a lot of energy to snap gum through my whole presentation. This program could be a great way for you to channel that energy. All right, signs up are right here.
Seager: Thanks for listening. We know the school made you show up, but we really appreciate it. Fun starts next week.
Kidd: That’s the third time we’ve done this pitch, and there’s still no takers.
Seager: We might need another approach. One a little less intimidating.