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A fire at a homeless encampment leaves Casey and Severide searching for answers.

Casey and Severide are determined to find the person who started the fire, and their efforts only intensify when the encampment's leader 'Big Jim' dies.

The pair discover it was a neighbor who owns most of the property on the street and started the fire because he was worried about property values decreasing.

Casey and Severide confront the neighbor, and he is arrested.

Cruz is shaken up after a close call and initially lies to Chloe about the incident, not wanting to worry her.

However, Severide tells Cruz he nearly lost Kidd when he lied to her in an effort to protect her.

Cruz later tells Chloe the truth, but she doesn't care because she found out they're having a boy.

Elsewhere, Granger pursues Brett, who initially turns him down at first.

After an emergency at the graveyard when Granger "saves" Brett from a horde of clowns and a pep talk from Kidd, Brett decides to give Granger a chance. They agree to go on a date.

Gallo worries Mackey's not interested in him anymore about Cruz no longer seems to care about their hookup.

He goes to extreme efforts to get her interest back, but it doesn't work.

Ritter helps out one of the homeless people from the encampment named Vanessa and gets her a bed to stay at a youth shelter.

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 7 Quotes

Kidd: That boy has got it bad.
Brett: What?
Kidd: Oh come on, a lieutenant picking up masks? Nuh-uh, he was here to see you.
Brett: You think so?

Severide: We should get away. Just us.
Kidd: You got somewhere in mind that doesn’t involve airports or crowds?
Severide: How about the cabin?
Kidd: So icy roads, snow-covered driveway, subzero temperatures, and the two of us? Sounds hot.
Severide: That’s exactly what I was thinking.