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Casey's head injury continues to cause him issues, and only Gallo seems to notice.

Casey bites Gallo's head off for meddling, but Gallo later tells Casey how can the rest of 51 help him to the best of their ability, if they don't know what's going on.

Casey talks to Will, who suggests Casey see a neurologist as soon as possible.

Mouch is excited when a spot opens up in Pipes and Drums and takes Herrmann's suggestion of shooting a sob video to curry favor with the judges, enlisting Violet, Gallo, and Ritter to help him shoot it.

However, Mouch comes unprepared to his audition and doesn't get the part. He's still happy because Pipes and Drums wants to use the video he made for promotional material.

Brett searches for a new partner and ultimately lands on Violet. 

Violet is happy to be a permanent fixture at 51 and has fun messing with Gallo, who gets tongue-tied whenever he's near her.

Casey and Severide work to solve the cause of a series of suspicious fires at various laundromats and track the problem back to tainted detergent. 

They, along with the rest of Firehouse 51, work to recall the bad product and prevent any more fires.

Kidd meets a hero of hers.

Chicago Fire
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Chicago Fire Season 9 Episode 10 Quotes

Mouch: I finally got it. Pipes and Drums.
Herrmann: Ah.
Ritter: What’s Pipes and Drums?
Mouch: What’s Pipes and Drums?
Herrmann: It’s the band that plays the funeral marches.
Ritter: Oh right.
Mouch: That’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’re talking parades, baptism, weddings, and the mother of mothers, the Chicagoland Celtic Classic. You see entering the brotherhood is like being appointed to the Supreme Court: It’s a lifelong tenure. So a spot only opens up when someone dies. RIP Bill Maloney Sr.

Ritter: She’s covering this shift while Brett looks for a new partner.
Gallo: Just one shift? Phew.
Ritter: Wow.
Gallo: I like Violet, I do, but the way things ended between us was awkward, and I get weird when I’m around her.
Ritter: Haven’t noticed that.
Gallo: It’s my house. I shouldn’t be the one getting flustered. She should be the one flustering.