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Jules, Bobby, and Grayson are walking around town when Jules runs into an old fling named Matt. Grayson tells Jules that he doesn’t care what happened in her past. It’s her past for a reason.

Travis is trying to hit it with the college girls, but it’s not working so he comes home to his ex who he thinks will welcome him with open arms. She has already moved on.

Grayson realizes that it’s time to tell Jules that he slept with Laurie. Laurie wants to tell her first, so they race to tell Jules at the DMV. She ends up taking a terrible picture.

Jules isn’t sure who she should be mad at, and then realizes that Ellie should have told her months ago. While blocking Ellie out, Laurie feels guilty and admits that she is the one that Jules should be mad at because she knew that Jules liked Grayson.

Bobby tries to get Smith to admit that he’s pissed about Laurie and Grayson hooking up which makes him realize that he’s not in love with her.

Jules becomes furious with Laurie and wants to cut her out of her life.  When they come downstairs they realize that Smith is outside breaking up with Laurie. As much as Jules wants to be mad at her, she is a better friend and ends up going outside to be there for her.

Cougar Town
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Cougar Town Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

I'm in love and it's the real deal, like keep the baby type of love. I even breathe his name. See Smith...


Jules: You guys know each other?
Grayson: Yeah yeah we play roller hockey together. How do you two know each other.
Jules: Grayson there's a thousand different ways that people know each other, but for some reason I can't think of any right now.
Grayson: You two slept together?
Jules: No...
Matt: Yes.