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Annie and Auggie get the identity of the Postman from Roger. The leak is an NSA agent, Wilson.

Annie trails him and finds out he visits a psychiatrist. While trailing him, Annie's car is hit by a truck and she's sent to the hospital. They run tests and the doctor asks her about her heart trouble. Annie dismisses the doctor's concerns and goes back to work.

Annie confides in Auggie about her heart troubles. He urges her to get help, but she wants to finish the mission. There's an award ceremony that many are invited to and Annie goes to see Joan. The mission is approved.

Annie isn't able to convince Wilson's wife to help. Annie goes home and finds Wilson there. He attacks her and she shoots him. Information about another compromised site is found on a hidden laptop.

Annie believes that was her last night on the job, because the CIA would find out her medical issues. Instead, she's commended on a job well done and scolded for working with a concussion. Auggie fixed her medical records.

At the party, Arthur goes after a contract which would put CIA employees out of work, possibly including Joan. And, Joan sees Calder with his prostitute "girlfriend," even though she attended the party with a senator.

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