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On this episode of Halt and Catch Fire...

Joe, Gordon, cameron and Donna arrive in Vegas for COMDEX but are rejected from staying at the hotel.

After some manipulation and convincing, the four are able to get a room, which they use to promote their PC.

Joe convinces the crowd to enjoy Vegas when they can't get the computer on, planning to show it off the next day.

Donna's former boss and the employee Gordon fired reveal a cheaper knockoff of the Giant, called the Slingshot.

With their PC dead in the water, Gordon makes a drastic decision to pull the operating system. It makes the Giant even faster and a viable option for buyers.

Joe sides with Gordon, causing Cameron to break down and leave.

The group pulls off a victory, but at a major cost to their unique idea and the team.

Joe witnesses a Mac computer speak.

Halt and Catch Fire
Episode Number:
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