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Zev Shaham, the head of security at a private golf course, grabs the visiting Grover to show him a frozen dead man, Chuck, in the cryo-chamber. Someone barred the door, locking Chuck inside. Charlie's principal has Danny and Steve in to talk about Charlie being bullied. But the bully's parents don't show up. Grover has Tani run financials on Chuck. Grover and Zev are trying to run a quiet investigation. Adam is in Tokyo. He's trying to get a sitdown with the local Yakuza boss. The dead golfer was a bettor and a cheat who is losing large amounts of cash, which he paid off quickly. Danny and Steve are chasing down the bully's parents. They pull over his father. He was at his divorce attorney's office that morning. Danny can relate to his problems and they shake hands. McGarrett suggests getting the boys together to talk. Chuck was laundering counterfeit money through his businesses. Chuck was skimming off the top, which Grover thinks got him killed. The counterfeit cash is printed in North Korea and shipped out of China. Zev and Michael Mayfield, an importer with a connection to China, started playing golf together about the same time Chuck started throwing cash around. Adam gets abducted. Grover chases Mayfield in a golf cart, but Zev tackles Mayfield. Mayfield had used his three iron to lock in Chuck. At Steve's house, Luke and Danny talk about divorce while Blake and Charlie run around with Eddie. After the club offers Grover membership, he turns them down. Grover is playing golf with Zev at a public club. Adam tells Ryo he should be head of the local Kakuza instead of Kenji. Ryo approves as long as Adam serves as an informant from inside Five-0, which Adam agrees to do.

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 13 Quotes

I'm also [Danny's] emotional support friend.

McGarrett [to Principal Aki]

I've got some bad news for you, buddy. This man was murdered.

Grover [to Zev]