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Tamiko gets abducted from her apartment with Adam there. After a brutal battle, Adam stabs the second kidnapper. Masuda tells Adam to back off and not to involve Five-0. There are three victims, all males in their 40s: a chef, a boat-business owner, and a photographer, killed in murders meant to look like accidents. Adam calls in sick. Junior discovers the three men had come into money about 10 years ago. Adam goes rogue. He checks in with an old snitch, Bodhi, to get information about a Filipino gang. A masked Adam starts by robbing the Filipinos' bar and takes one of them, driving away through gunfire. John Kalama, one of the victims, was working to free Roger Maliah, convicted of the murder of a banker 10 years ago. Adam brings the Filipino to Masuda. Masuda is giving up his life for Tamiko's, the terms of the ransom. Quinn and McGarrett interrogate Maliah and both think he's innocent. All three of the victims were witnesses at the murder. Adam dropped his watch at the bar and Detective Belden takes it to Duke. Masuda asks Adam to protect Tamiko. Quinn and McGarrett interrogate Maura, who killed the banker and paid off the three men. Then she had them killed a decade later. She rolls on the contract killer. At the exchange, Masuda's men and Adam take out the kidnappers but Masuda gets shot. He dies on the way to the mob doctor. Maliah gets freed from prison after Maura's confession. Grover takes Tani and Junior out to eat for helping him clean the garage. Adam confronts Kenji about whether he set up or shot Masuda. Kenji shoots the Filipino in front of Adam and threatens to expose Adam. McGarrett calls in Adam after Duke visits him.

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 10 Quotes

Quinn: Sounds like the setup for a bad joke.
Grover: Well, the joke's on us, since we're going to have to solve a triple homicide.

I don't think you're getting this assembly-line concept.

Tani [to Grover]