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Girls caught in a sex-trafficking ring are herded into a truck in the middle of the night. Earlier, Danny brings Charlie into the office while Rachel is seeing the divorce lawyer. McGarrett comes in and they argue over feeding Charlie from the vending machine.  Kono gets a call from Moani, who is wondering if Kono has gotten anything out of her former pimp. She gives Kono a drawing of Deon, the ring's boss. leader. Kono identifies Deon as Deon Miller, and Five-0 goes to his house. They find a bunch of abandoned beds. They locate Deon's truck and follow it. Abby and Duke set up a roadblock, but Miller runs through it and escapes. The cops catch up to Deon, who threatens to drive the truck off a cliff. McGarrett has a new plan. He's going to jump  onto the truck and take away the truck from Deon. McGarrett uses Charlie's toys to illustrate his plan, which has two HPD cars herding Deon's truck into a tunnel. No one likes his plan. McGarrett lands on the truck, barely. He uses an acetylene torch to cut a hole, but a second person starts shooting from inside the trailer. McGarrett jumps down and a fight begins, with McGarrett throwing the other man out the back. Then they unload the girls off the truck. The jam comes off of Deon's cel and he accelerates, with five girls and McGarrett still inside.  McGarrett's new plan is to climb out and then uncouple the trailer. The trailers drags to a stop, with McGarrett still outside the cab. Deon stops to go back for the girls, but McGarrett shoots him. McGarrett admits to Danny that he got a little radiation poisoning from the dirty bomb. Kono is on a plane to Nevada, to track the sex traffickers on her own.

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 7 Episode 25 Quotes

You're crazy. You're a crazy person, you know that?

McGarrett [to Danny]

McGarrett [to Charlie]: Why's your dad such a poopyhead?
Danny: That's why he gets timeouts.