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Adam and Jessie steal a load of chlorine gas. Danny makes fun of McGarrett's nuclear-attack drill. Adam tells McGarrett about the chlorine, which Hideki is using in his meth business. But Adam tells McGarrett that a couple of tanks got sold to another buyer, who could be building a bomb. HPD busts Hideki's meth lab. Nemoto fingered a group of white men as his chlorine buyers. One of that group, Kevin Randall, fumbles a tank in a van, which spring a leak, and the rest lock him in with the leaky tank, where Five-0 finds him. Randall's wife, who has cancer, explains that her treatment had wiped them out financially. She thinks he may have connected with men from a support group. Tani suggests that the chlorine bomb may be an extortion scheme. Research on Randall's laptop points to the chlorine being pumped into a building's ventilation system. Randall had reached out to Odell Martin to be his lawyer. Odell said Randall wanted to file a class-action suit against Agri-Corps. The other three are planning to attack the building where the corporation's law firm works. Two back out, but one, Doug Manning, plans to follow through. McGarrett and Adam figure out they're at the wrong company building. The lawyer who is being targeted isn't picking up. Manning shoots the lawyer and runs, with McGarrett in pursuit. McGarrett gets him to surrender. Then he gets the governor to investigate Agri-Corps. Adam is getting suspicious of Jessie. She is now sleeping with Hideki, and he's worried about her loyalties. Adam appears to be cracking under the pressure. 

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 17 Quotes

You see, that kind of information there is the kind of information that makes me smile.


Danny: What if we're the only ones left? What are we supposed to do? Re-populate?
Tani: That's a hard no