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Noelani is abducted. Tamiko, an old Yakuza friend, shows up at headquarters to see Adam. Her fiance, Kevin Okada, an undercover FBI agent, didn't show up for their wedding and is missing. Noelani and Dr. Chu were taken to perform an operation to replace an aortic-valve replacement. Tamiko found a note with the word "traitor" in Japanese written on it in Okada's hotel room. Tamiko's father denied any part in Okada's disappearance. He had offered Okada $5 million in an offshore account for him and Tamiko to escape the Yakuza. Okada's garroted body is found with a rat in his mouth. Adam breaks the news to Tamiko. The valve Noelani brought wasn't viable. So Aleki killed one of his thugs for a fresh valve. Ron Kraft, who Okada put away, get released early from jail. Okada had supplied money to Kraft's pregnant wife while Kraft as in prison. So he becomes a suspect. Noelani asks to go to the restroom then knocks out a guard and takes his gun, going back to free Chu. But Chu has been working as a surgeon for criminals since a malpractice suit. Chu and Noelani are operating on Aleki's father. Adam and McGarrett find Kraft shot dead on his boat. Grover tells McGarrett that Noelani is missing. When Chu threatens his father, Aleki shoots her. But there are complications. Five-0 checked the morgue surveillance for what Neolani was doing. Noelani had signed in as Chu. The wounded Chu talks Noelani through the followup surgery. McGarrett and Junior track her down. The drunk driver who killed Junior's sister is up for parole. Adam confronts Tamiko's father about Kraft's execution, but he admits nothing. Chu died from her wound. Aleki's father is an arms smuggler who will now serve a life sentence. McGarrett tries to console Noelani afterward. 

Hawaii Five-0
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 9 Episode 22 Quotes

Grover: That guy's not going to talk to us.
Adam: Well, he might talk to me.

I was just wondering how you possibly could share DNA with this man?

Tani [to Junior]