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Sharon is walking past the emergency vehicles to a crime scene. We see blood, a SWAT team, a police dog... She asks why the body is still there after 30 minutes. Chief Taylor says terrorism reports tell him that LAPD is vulnerable to an attack in situations like this.

A sheet is put over the head of a dead person.

Emergency vehicles leave as a flag is draped over a body. Sanchez and Provenza pay their respects by putting flag pins on the body. Tao takes off his hat as it passes. Chief Taylor calls for a salute as the body is moved into the ambulance.

It turns out two officers and a civilian were killed with the same gun.

What appears to be a flashback of the dead cops begins.

A suspect, Prescott, is in custody but his name is fake. He starts talking in a foreign language. The cops pull up at a potential crime scene. The male cop leaves the car. A guy in a cop uniform begins shooting. He kills both cops.

In the present, Sykes says one officer had no chance but the other did. The officers were clearly executed. Officer Tracy's weapon has disappeared.

In flashback, the prisoner watches hidden in the back of the car as the cops who killed the officers take off.

Sharon finds out Prescott was arrested for fake passport making. She wonders where the fake cards are.

In flashback we see Prescott escape, uncuff himself and run.

Sanchez finds the fake passports and uses facial recognition software on them.

Another victim is found. He appears to have been pulled over and has taken money out of an ATM recently.

Provenza tells them about a skid mark showing that a third car left the sbcene besides the two victims' cars.

Passport card belongs to Paco Lopez, a high-ranking gang member.

Fritz says Prescott was really an El Salvador national who may be related to Lopez.

Sharon says Prescott may be a witness rather than a suspect. Either way, they must find them.

TJ turns off the volume on Taylor's press conference so he and Rusty can listen to a message from someone who wants to talk to Rusty right now. TJ is worried for Rusty's safety, but Rusty wants to meet him.Rusty says he will get a police background on him somehow.

Chief Taylor wants to know why this kid is so valuable that the gangs would kill to get him back. Sanchez says the kid was American through and through which is helpful for the gangs in El Salvador.

Provenza wants to talk to a gang member that has been caught and Taylor wants to get the kid's photo to the press and other cops so that they can find him. He wants the public warned, and orders the unit to do so.

Taylor asks Sharon if she wants to talk about an issue in her division now, but she says it'll wait.

Enrique doesn't want to run away or back to El Salvador. He is arguing with a girl when the LAPD shows up. Enrique hides in a bedroom while the girl opens the door and pretends not to speak English. Enrique is collecting his gun while the girl is told he is a cop-killer. Enrique hides with his gun.

The girl says Enrique's car was towed. One of the cops wants to work her over. The cops argue because the other fears MS-13 retaliation.

The cops check Enrique's room but he's gone. The girl is told there is a $10,000 reward if she helps catch him.

The cops are getting a ton of calls.

Sharon can't talk to Rusty right now. Buzz asks Rusty to help him. He wants him to sort tips sheets. Buzz tells Rusty that they do background checks on tipsters.

Paco Lopez is in Interview 1 and claims to know nothing. Rusty stares at an empty tip sheet form.

Lopez denies being the guy in the fake passport. Sanchez warns him he's about to go to prison for violating parole, terrorism, and that he must tell them about Fornez if he doesn't want a life sentence in federal prison.

Enrique is nothing, according to Lopez. Sharon offers to send him  back to prison so he doesn't look like he helped them. Lopez says he works for someone named Echo.

Echo is brought in along with his 3D printer. He claims to be an artist, but Sykes says he prints RFID microchips for fake IDs. Echo claims to know nothing about the fake passports. He seems scared of them breaking his printer. He admits Rico works for him delivering the passports. He lives with his uncle.

LAPD goes to the girl's house where Rico lives. They find a suitcase and some fake passports. They talk in Spanish but the girl denies knowing where he is in English.

Rusty fills out a tip sheet on the guy who called him and makes it priority 2. Sharon thanks him for helping out. She tells him they took someone into custody. Rusty looks around, perhaps feeling guilty.

Sharon shows the girl, Emmy, an envelope full of fake passports. She can be charged for the possession of them since it was in their apartment, as well as harboring a fugitive.

Emmy denies that Rico has a gun or is in a gang. She doesn't want the reward. The MCU doesn't know what she's talking about.

Rico talks to someone in Spanish at a store. The guy sees he matches a flyer advertising a reward for his arrest.

Emmy says the car is in the shop. 

Two cops from earlier decide to leave someplace, as Fritz spies Rico via helicopter. There is a chase as Rico runs into the street. Sanchez and Sykes arrest him.. Sanchez sees that Rico's gun has Officer Tracy's name on it.

Rusty has a pile of tips. He is about to call someone when Rico comes in with a bunch of cops. Rusty looks scared.

Provenza wants to know why Rico was so important to kill for. Rico pretends not to speak English but doesn't get away with it. He insists he had nothing to do with the cops being killed. Sharon tries to humanize the dead cops for him.  He says he ran because he didn't want to go back to El Salvador. Sanchez offers protection from the gang. He tells them that the cops were killed by other cops. The cops are skeptical but Tao got a tip like that, and he knows there was a reward offered by someone else. Provenza questions him and Rico says the rogue cops tried to get him twice. He asks for a lawyer. Sanchez says witnesses don't get lawyers. Rico says he can ID the cops.

Rico asks if the other cops are fake, how did they find us? Provenza says it's due to the press coverage.

Emmy is asked to call the reward number. She says that Rico came by her apartment and is going to a priest for help at St. Andrews church. The priest is of course Father Provenza.

The rogue cops follow Rico to the church. One cop gets out and asks for Father Provenza. He is arrested. Sharon and Flynn arrest his partner. Sharon stares at the fake cops as they pass by her.

Rusty doesn't care about his informant's criminal record. The guy has a conviction for assault with a deadly weapon. Provenza hates the reason behind this case but is glad Rusty helped out. Rusty feels guilty but tells TJ he has to meet his source.. TJ says he's coming with him.

Rico must testify and current charges go away. He and his girlfriend will be in witness protection. He must also be an informant as to his uncle's business and personal life. Rico is upset because he lived here his whole life and was deported at age 19. Sharon encourages him to seek justice for his family. He signs the agreement.

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Major Crimes Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Our officers pull over to help Mr. Peppers, for which they are assassinated.


Let's make sure tonight this is as bad as things get.

Chief Taylor