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Cam and Mitchell are buying supplies for a project Lily is working on when they run into another couple who are participating in a protest, and they agree to join even though they don't know what it is about.

Meanwhile, Alex is called into the principal's office along with her parents, assuming she's about to be named valedictorian. Then another student and his parents come in, and the principal announces they will be co-valedictorians. The two students insists on breaking the tie with one more grade, which will be a race for gym.

Gloria prepares to take her US citizenship test, and Jay is thrilled. But it turns out that Jay only wanted her to change citizenship because of an airport line.

Alex's rival comes by and tells her thank you for pushing him and that he likes her. Claire, Phil, and Luke tell her they think he's trying to get her.

Cam and Mitch decide to eat gourmet burgers at the restaurant the other gay men are protesting, then realize why the mean are protesting after they finish their meal.

Jay admits that he wants Gloria to be a US citizen because she still has ties to her ex husband, and he thinks it will be a way to commit to him instead.

Alex and her rival are about to begin their race, but before they can really get started, they end up kissing instead.

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Modern Family Season 6 Episode 22 Quotes

Claire: We were called into Principal Brown's office one week before Alex's graduation.
Phil: That can only mean one of two things. Either she's going to be valedictorian, or they're giving an award for sexiest dad.

Lily: Mrs. Daniels my projects have too much glitter.
Cam: Okay. Well, she needs a Mr. Daniels, because a project can't have too much pizzazz.